Why You Should Be Using Solar Energy
- Written by Diana Smith

We’ve known for a while now that renewable sources of energy are the future. We’ve been learning about them in schools, and listening to interviews with experts on how and why they’re better than the fuels we’re using now. But most of these often have complicated terms, which is why we’re left with more questions than answers. So, here’s a simple guide to how solar energy works and why you should be using it, too.
How it works
Solar panels collect the sun’s photons and create direct current. This isn’t exactly what we use, so the next step is converting it from direct to alternating current. This power is routed through your home to power electrical appliances or systems. If there is any excess power, it is stored in batteries or exported to the grid. The same way, if there isn’t enough power, electricity is imported from either of the two.
As far as maintenance goes, there isn’t really much you have to do. Once the panels are installed, they will happily sit on your roof for more than 25 years. Although they are exposed, they are not easily damaged as they are specifically designed to withstand the elements.
Why it’s good for you
There are many benefits to using solar energy in your home, and here are just a few:
It’s better for the environment: There are a number of reasons why we should reconsider using oil as our number one fuel option. Not only are oil resources limited, but the process of burning oil produces a lot of CO2, which is directly linked to global warming and atmospheric pollution. It also saves precious water that is usually used in fossil fuel production.
It’s better for your health: Coal and gas plants are a major source of air and water pollution that has been identified as a cause of cancer, breathing problems, heart attacks and neurological damage.
It’s better for your wallet: Solar power saves you money, and that’s a fact. Most owners of solar panels save around $1000 every year. The cost of solar power continues to drop; so, it’s cheaper than ever to use clean power. Also, if you are producing more than you need to power your home, you can export extra power to the grid and utility providers will often pay you for doing this. And if you think that installing solar panels is expensive, you’ll be glad to hear that there are state incentives, because the government understands the importance of clean energy.
So, you’ve decided to get solar panels installed? Let’s see what the process is. First, you should be a house owner, or forward this article to your landlord to see if they are willing to invest. Next, make sure your roof is suitable for this purpose (it should be getting enough sunlight during the day). It’s best to talk to an expert who can assess this. If you think that your roof could use some work, do it before you put on solar panels. As we mentioned, panels will last for more than 25 years; so, make sure your roof lasts just as long. When choosing the right company to do this, make sure you get the best solar panels, because they are an investment that you will want to last, and that will be well worth it.
Are you ready to start using clean energy and help yourself and the environment? It’s an opportunity to make your contribution to energy conservation – let’s try to create a world with nothing but clean, renewable energy.